Luca Giordano
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Luca Giordano is a documentary journalism, history, and film student at the University of Missouri. Working for multiple different news outlets, including the Columbia Missourian newspaper and KOMU-8 television station, Giordano uses his expertise in photography, videography, and video editing to cover topics in his community.

Giordano’s journalistic interests include jazz journalism, sports videography, and community storytelling.

In addition to his journalistic work, Giordano is a manager for a community arts network in Columbia, Missouri called Dart Club. Here, Giordano specializes in digital marketing, social media content creation, event planning, and community outreach.

Giordano is a creative at heart, using his skills in video to create narrative short films and other creative videos.

Finally,  Giordano is a multi-national creator. Native speaker of English and French and proficient Spanish language speaker, Giordano seeks to work across boundaries of language and nationality to create meaningful, complex products.